Friday, December 24, 2010

In Kona

It is nice to be in tropics - despite the fact that they are having their first thunderstorm in more than 4 years. Aren't we lucky??

Regardless, the snorkeling is absolutely fabulous.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back in Seattle

Completing an awsome trip, I am back in Seattle. After 36 hours without sleep I have attended the New Year party at Numanoglus.

The Palace

Once in Istanbul, we visited Dolmabahce Palace. This is the new palace used by the last few sultan's of the Ottoman Empire. Unlike the main Topkapi Palace, this one is more like a western palace. They don't allow photography inside the palace so all we got is the picture of the entrence and the fountain in the royal garden.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Turkish Baths

After four hours of drive, we came to Termal in Yalova. This area has been a popular spot since the Byzantium times due to its thermal waters. Ottomans built several Turkish Baths. The oldest one (the one in the picture behind Sibel and I) dates back to 16th century. We spent few hours in this historic Turkish bath yesterday and this morning. To my surprise, kids are actually enjoying the traditional bath experience. I guess it is in their genes.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Finding Melpo

My grandmother (in the picture with my grandfather) was born and grew up in Bozcaada. There is no one else from her family lives here anymore. My grandmother died almost 20 years ago but my mother gave me a name: Melpo. She was my grandmother’s best friend when they were teenagers. I also got another name: Yorgo (no last name). He is supposed to be a local who would know the history.

I was surprised when the owner of our B&B immediately recognized Yorgo and personally took us to his house. Soon after, we were sitting in his living room with him, his wife, and few other family members. Yorgo told us that Melpo was 101, alive, and kicking. She was in Istanbul. Yorgo did not have her phone number but gave us someone else’s who live in the same building with her.

I passed the number to my mother and she already arranged a visit to Melpo next week. It is nice to have a little personal touch to our trip


Our hotel at Bozcaada is a small charming place. They turned couple of old Greek houses into a 10-room bed and breakfast. It is not the most comfortable place to sleep but it is certainly a unique experience.

Bozcaada - Tenedos

After a 30-minute ferry ride, we reached to a small island called Bozcaada (Tenedos). According to the legend, Greek ships hidden behind this island after leaving the Wooden Horse to trick Trojans. Nowadays it is the wine capitol of Turkey with several wineries.